Que Pasa

Que Pasa
2 guitars
ISBN 707665
Que Pasa
Additional information:
- isbn 707665
- Level: Grade 3-4
- Theme: Spanish Guitar duets
- Instruments: 2 Guitars
- with instruction/ play-along CD
Vorige slide
Volgende slide
Audiofragment Serenata
Audiofragment Fandango
More Information
The twelve duos in this album are in the Spanish styles so characteristic for the guitar.
The distinctive character of the pieces emerges from the way they are played and from special effects like flageolets, tambora, golpe etc.
The two guitar parts make equal demands on the players. It makes no difference who plays which part.
The album is an excellent aid toduet-playing.
The CD is both instructive and for playing along with.